Legendary Italian black metal band HANDFUL OF HATE have just released their new single “An Eagle Upon My Shield (Veteris Vestigia Flammae)” via Blessed Altar Zine. The song is taken from their upcoming album Adversus which will be released on May 3 via Aural Music.
The site commented “I had the pleasure to listen to the whole album in advance and I would say that the production, the compositions, the overall performance by Nicola, Aeternus and Andrea – everything in these 43 minutes of black metal misanthropy, just proves that HANDFUL OF HATE are in top notch form. These 26 years simply have left a solid mark of wisdom on the band in order they to deliver the present crushing new release – a black metal album without compromises.”
Listen to the song here: https://www.blessedaltarzine.com/2019/04/19/handful-of-hate-exclusive-stream/
Pre-order the album here: https://handfulofhateofficial.bandcamp.com/album/adversus