Malamorte takes you taste “God needs Evil” preview at this link: the album will be out on February 21st 2020 via Revalve Records.
This new chapter outline the heavy and thrash sulphureous sound with a touch of power metal sustained by melodic and granitic guitars riff going through fast breathtaking moments of epic sounds which emphasizes the atmosphere of the opera. “God Needs Evil” is a mystic and occult experience told in 9 tracks.
1 – The Demons that Devour Your Soul
2 – The Sinner
3 – Psycho Priest
4 – After the Apocalypse
5 – They Shall See the Truth
6 – A Demon Dressed by Angel
7 – Morbid Temptation
8 – Suicide Forest (Jukai)
9 – God Needs Evil