
TDW releases video for “The Pulse”

TDW, the solo project of prog mastermind Tom de Wit has released his video for the song “The Pulse“. The track is from his upcoming album “The Days the Clocks Stopped” which will be released on December 4th.

Tom commented.

“This song is one of the heavier and more intense pieces on this album. And that is for a good reason: This song literally describes the night in which I almost lost everything and had a near-death experience due to a surgery that was not executed properly. This is reflected in the way the music twists and turns and the dissonance that takes place. The concept of this album is a first person experience through my mind and body as I was attacked by a severe bowel disease called Colitis Ulcerosa and what that did to me when I was in the hospital in my early 20s. This song represents one of my lowest points and the darkness that I experienced up close. It’s a heavy, frantic ride that shifts it’s dynamics through fast paced riffs, dissonant breakdowns and multiple vocal styles.”

The bass is provided by Rich Gray (Aeon Zen, Annihilator) and Fabio Alessandrini (Annihilator) is heard on drums. A diverse cast of guest singers provide the choirparts and also a classical cello performed by Remco Woutersen is heard prominently. This song also features a guest guitar solo from Koen PH Romeijn (Known for his work in Heidevolk & Detonation).”

Watch the video:


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