
Deathcore titans WRETCHED TONGUES release new album Ulter Praefinitum through Vicious Instinct Records on March 18th


Following on from their well received EPs, Burial Grounds and Death Eater, New Hampshire’s Wretched Tongues are now ready to unleash their full length debut album. Featuring nine songs of unbelievable heaviness, shocking impact and breathtaking ingenuity Ulter Praefinitum sees Wretched Tongues outstripping their previous releases in every department with accomplished ease. This is where their story really begins. This is where the fury is unleashed in a firestorm of audio violence.

To describe the songs that make up Ulter Praefinitum as ‘heavy’ is to make a crass understatement of indescribable proportions. The riffs that form the foundations of sonic assaults like ‘Into The Nothing’ hit you with a physical force, a blow that you can feel in your bones. You’ll be checking yourself for bruises after the mighty ‘To Witness The Infinite’ gets through with you. Yet there is more to Ulter Praefinitum than sheer power, even though power on these levels is enough in itself. These superlative songs also deliver atmosphere, intricate moments of class that live long in the memory, crafted hooks that will draw you back into the punishing maelstrom time and again. Each moment of Ulter Praefinitum has been finely crafted and designed – designed to destroy without question, but designed all the same. This is no haphazard collection of bludgeoning beatdowns; this is top level extreme music – formidable in intensity and creativity.


Now united with the experience and reach of Vicious Instinct Records, Wretched Tongues are ready to open fire on the world. When Ulter Praefinitum is unleashed in all its glory on March 18th, with its stunning Caelan Stokkermans (Vesperian SorrowVomit The SoulAbiotic etc) artwork and colossal Key Recordings (I, The BreatherReflectionsFalse Images etc) production, mix and master, you better run for cover, because no-one stays standing in the face of this deathcore artillery barrage..

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Visit Vicious Instinct Records Ulter Praefinitum Bandcamp page
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Get your Wretched Tongues merch here

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