
GRAVESTONE – Aqua new video from Ars Arcana


Gravestone‘s new video, AQUA, taken from the ARS ARCANA album is on youtube.
This beautiful lyric video of the most powerful and melodic song of the album will make you hopelessly fall in love with the sound of Gravestone, masterfully conducted by the incredibly powerful voice of Simona who duets here with the persuasive and melodic voice of Ketty Passa.

A spectacular track for an equally spectacular album.


Some words on ARS ARCANA:

The idea was to do something ambitious, a concept Death Metal album, and the choice of the story came inspired by a best seller of modern fantasy literature, namely GENS ARCANA by Cecilia Randall who kindly authorized the band to be inspired by her book. .

The concept, inspired by a journey into the Florence of the Medici, which is the background to the events of 3 young cousins ​​of “arcane” lineage, who, controlled by the Santa Militia, compete for the title of “Magister Aetheris” to the sound of evocations . Will Angelo and Valiano De ‘Nieri be able to defend themselves from the spells of their cousin Folco? Turn up the volume and find out!

ARS Arcana is an extremely powerful and articulated work, held together and woven by the iconic narration of DANIELE COCCIA vocalist of the Muro del Canto who plays an ancient Italian noble who tells the story. Other precious cameos come from Cristiano Borchi of Stormlord who duets with Simona in THE SLAUGHTER CONSPIRACY (Lyric Video), from Ketty Passa in AQUA. and in THE DEATH OF FOLCO DE’NIERI by Giacomo Voli of Rhapsody of Fire who for the first time engages in a death metal song, giving this song some unexpectedly epic traits.

An album that would not have been possible without the spying hands of Andrea Mattei of the Trick Studio, the orchestrations of Riccardo Studer (Stormlord) and the mix and mastering by Stefano Morabito and, finally, of the ‘drawings’ by Fabio Listrani,

A disc this ARS Arcana which, like all concepts, should be savored slowly and which at each listen gives new facets

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