One-man death/doom project SEEP has unleashed its full-length debut, Hymns to the Gore via Extremely Rotten Productions. To celebrate the album’s unrivaled aural violence, Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life is now streaming the album in full.
The site describes Hymns to the Gore as “Fucking brutal. Fucking raw. Fucking disgusting.”
Check it out now at this location.
Purchase Hymns to the Gore at seepdeathdoom.bandcamp.com.
The album is available on black and green translucent vinyl at the Extremely Rotten Productions store.
The album is available on black and green translucent vinyl at the Extremely Rotten Productions store.
Stream the album on Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming platforms.
Gurgling Gore Records will release the album on cassette
Hailing from the rural countryside of Maine, SEEP mastermind Vomitus set out to expand upon his 2020 demo by adding elements of goregrind and brutal death to an already violent doom/death foundation. The end result is eight depraved offerings of unfettered, old-school brutality.
Morbidly Obese
Jigsaw Facefuck
Addicted to Rancidity
Horrific Fetal Mutation
Gorging on the Gutpile
Pedophile Genitalia Removal
Encased in Shit
Swimming in Sewage
Music on Hymns to the Gore was written, performed and recorded by Vomitus. “Jigsaw Facefuck” features guest vocals by Brennen Westermeyer (FLUIDS). Guest guitar solos on “Addicted to Rancidity” and “Encased in Shit” were performed by Daniel Bonofiglio (FUMES/GUTVOID).

SEEP is:
Vomitus – guitar, bass, drums, and vocals