Indianapolis doom titans VEILCASTE have premiered the third single from their upcoming album “Precipice“.
You can listen to “Relapse in Reason” at this location: https://knotfest.com/culture/veilcaste-drop-cosmos-crushing-new-single-relapse-in-reason
Formed in the winter of 2010, VEILCASTE have been one of the heaviest bands in the American Midwest for over a decade. The world-ending heaviness of “Precipice” will crush fans of emotive Sludge (Yob, Neurosis), dark-fuzzed doom (Electric Wizard, Windhand), and even death/gloom like Mother of Graves and Tiamat.
The album will be released on February 10th 2023 via Wise Blood Records on vinyl, CD and digitally.
More track streams and pre-order options are available here: https://veilcaste.bandcamp.com/album/precipice

1. Asunder Skies
2. Dust & Bone
3. Drag Me Down
4. For Us
5. Relapse in Reason
6. A Gasp of Air
7. Empty Hell
Dustin Mendel – Vocals
Brian Wyrick – Guitar
Chris Cruz – Drums
John Rau – Guitar & Vocals
Gabe Whitcomb – Bass
https://www.facebook.com/veilcaste +++ https://www.facebook.com/wisebloodrecs