Synteleia, the Hellenic Black Metal band, released their follow-up to their debut album “Ending of the Unknown Path”. With nine haunting songs inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and The Necronomicon, “The Secret Last Syllable” is sure to leave a lasting impact on the world of Black Metal.
This album is a perfect blend of dark and eerie atmosphere, with continuous progression and a range of tempos in the guitar work. The mystical sound is further enhanced by the use of symphonic instruments and the angelic female soprano vocals. The male growling vocals add to the extreme nature of the music, accompanied by intuitive bass lines and explosive drumming. This album is not only for fans of the occult or mystical genre but for all Black Metal fans.

Synteleia’s line-up features Nyctelios on vocals, Drakon Hesperion and Cronios on guitars, Septis on bass, and Amdusias on drums, with Mina Morfi adding her beautiful soprano vocals. The album was released by FLOGA RECORDS and is available for purchase at https://flogarecords.com/store/?s=THE+SECRET+LAST+SYLLABLE+LP&product_cat=0&post_type=product.