
MEGALITH LEVITATION – Russian doom metal cult to release new album “Obscure Fire” in March


Aesthetic Death is proud to present MEGALITH LEVITATION‘s highly anticipated third full-length album, “Obscure Fire”, due out on March 31st 2023.

Lysergic, transcendent doom ritual. Purveyors of the eternal riff.

MEGALITH LEVITATION invite you to return, deeper into their lysergic world. Take the trip through a never-ending dirge of sulphuric doom riffs and monastic chant.

“Void Psalms” (2021) was widely regarded as a worthy album in the genre. Yet “Obscure Fire” truly eclipses the highs previously reached.

Blending the familiar MEGALITH LEVITATION sound with a more refined focus, pulsating driving crushing rhythms carry the smoke-filled guitar lines into their endless oblivion.

“Obscure Fire”
 is the finest MEGALITH LEVITATION material to date – and deserves to escalate the band into the realms of the doomed elite.


01. Obscure Fire
02. Of Silence
03. Descending
04. Into the Depth
05. Of Eternal Doom

materialized from the eternal void and acid vapors of Chelyabinsk, Russia in April 2016 to bare their psalms into this world. The servitors of the cult were chosen: SAA – Sermons & Fuzzmagic, KKV – Thunderbass, PAN – Skullhammers and until now remain unchanged. The debut full-length album “Acid Doom Rites” was released in September 2019 digitally on [addicted label] (No Name). In November Hymns of Apocalypse released the CD.
In 2020, the band released a split with Dekonstruktor. The digi CD edition came out via the British label Aestethic Death. Truly hypnotic atmospheric stuff from both bands.
Spring 2021 marked a return to concert activity. Concerts in support of Il and Bitch Meat took place in the Ural region and the band appeared at big festivals such as Joy 5 and Shallow Grave 5.
On October 1st, 2021, the second album “Void Psalms” was released via Aestethic Death (CD), Pestis Insaniae (cassette) and digitally by [addicted label]. During the past year MEGALITH LEVITATION worked on the recording of a new album. “Obscure Fire” will be released on March 31st, 2023 via Aesthetic Death (digi CD), Sounds of Karachun (tape) and [addicted label] (digital).



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