New sub label of Odium Records – Underground Kvlt Records, recently signed a contract with Italian, cult band GOSFORTH who are back after 17 years with a new album “Scourge of Dark Dominion”.
A few days ago was a premiere of the first single “Luciferian Gnosis”. You can listen to it at: https://youtu.be/W_puSVeJ8rU
You can pre-order cd version at: www.odiumrecords.bandcamp.com or www.odiumrex.com/webshop
The material will be released in May as a jewel case cd.
The band spreads its unholy poison since 1997 and includes members of Black Oath and The Rite.

Ignis Daemonicus
Luciferian Gnosis
Scorge of Dark Dominion
Graced by Flames
Funeral Lust
As gods below
Legion of the Adversary