Belgian death metal band Carrion has just released an electrifying drum playthrough video for their track “Eradication” from their latest album “Morbid Nailgun Necropsy”.
“Morbid Nailgun Necropsy” is out now via Wormholedeath Records and available on all digital platforms, so make sure to check it out here: orcd.co/morbidnailgunnecropsy.
Recorded at Hearse Studio by Lander Cluyse and mixed/mastered by Kai Stahlenberg at Kohlekeller Studio, “Morbid Nailgun Necropsy” is a modern death metal masterpiece with groovy and dark touches that will leave you wanting more. If you’re a fan of fast-paced, brutal death metal, then this album is a must-listen.
Keep up with the latest news and updates by following them on their social media pages:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Carrionbe
Instagram: www.instagram.com/carrion_be
Bandcamp: carrionbe.bandcamp.com
Merch Store: carrionmerch.bigcartel.com