
Monastery Interview

I would call the current situation of the Monastery band one of the highlights of its career so far. I see that everything is going very well now. It is true that you gained a good reputation in the 90s, but it was a completely different world. What is the mood of the band at the moment? What do you think of my statement?

We absolutely think so too! The atmosphere in the band is very good, but the fact is that a lot of energy and time is invested in the team!

In the last few years, I think you are one of the most concerted Hungarian bands! You probably had favorite concert venues in the past, but which ones have proven to be more outstanding in the recent period? What aspects would you mention that would increase this rating for you?

We go almost every weekend, both at home and abroad! Yes, there are places we really like to go back to, such as Pécs, Baja, Szombathely, but they wouldn’t list everyone right now, because each place appeals to us for a different reason! There are places where there are more people, which is good, there are places where the atmosphere is very good, and there are places where the place itself and the owner are fair! We really like to give concerts in Transylvania and the Czech Republic!

Re-releasing early releases was a great idea. Have these been demanded of you for a long time? How fast do we have to hurry to be able to buy some of the copies?

The Far from Christ vinyl was the idea of the original label, Trottel Records, and the original cover release of the first two albums was the initiative of China’s Huanquang Records! It didn’t really occur to us, but it was a great feeling to see how many people still remembered these albums. The vinyl is sold out anyway, the Chinese publications can still be ordered from us!

After a long time, the “Chimera” EP broke the silence, but the real continuation was the “Divine Damnation” album. What was the experience like when you came out again and stood on stage again? How were the new songs received later? Do you think fans expected such a sequel?

We were very nervous about how the reaction would be, but it was nice to see them come to the concerts, and there was good feedback on the album as well! At the beginning, it was a bit like finding a way, maybe today we have found the direction we were looking for! Anyway, I think that’s what they expected from us!

As I said, you gave a lot of concerts and I think that gives a band a lot of strength. In my opinion, it is directly proportional to being able to make an even better album. I think he totally nailed it with the new release ‘From Blood’. Please talk about it. What do we need to know about this?

This is the album with which we are now satisfied! The two guitarists were able to work well together, Hufi brought the old-school stuff, and Krisz is a guitarist with a more modern approach, perhaps this is the reason for the slightly more modern and varied end result! Harmony is very important to create a good album, I think!

The sound of the album is also much better compared to the previous ones. This is absolutely the best. I really needed this extra…

Yes, I think that’s fine now. It’s all live, so I don’t think it’s a dozen. We worked in Denevér studio this time, and Töfi did a great job! Many people recommended it, I’m glad we listened to them!

Of course, it was released on Art Gates Records. Did you always want a foreign publisher? What new opportunities have opened up and what did you get more serious help with?

The previous album was released by HAMMERWORLD RECORDINGS, and we wanted to go further, move beyond the border! The Cselős helped a lot, they pushed the cart at home. We wanted to step out onto the European stage, and now we succeeded! An outside booking is also the one who helps with the concerts outside, currently a 21-stop spring tour is being organized, where we will be support, and next fall a joint tour with a western band is being organized, where we will participate as the CO-headline band!

Not so long ago, you had a huge opportunity to play in front of David Vincent in August. I guess this night is among your best concerts so far? What words came out of your mouth in relation to your music? Why do you think he is one of the greatest in the genre?

Yes, we had 3 concerts with them, it was a great experience! He is a terribly suggestive person, knows what he wants and is an absolute leader! That makes him a legend! Anyway, dear Pali, and Sandoval is in top form!

Did you think at the beginning that he would be standing in front of the stage and watching you play? Need more 🙂 ?

I never dared to dream of this, about 30 years ago in Vienna I asked them for a signature on my identity card, and now he was watching the parties with Sando from the sidelines!
It was great motivation and a great experience!

Your album presentation will be in Dürer Kert on October 13. What do you say to the fans, why should everyone call 2 other metalheads who need to hear and see this?

We really want to show everyone what we have inside of us, we want to transfer the energy! Of course, we really need you for this, because you keep this all alive!!!

The “From Blood” tour, on the other hand, will not start then, but on September 22 in the Czech Republic, and they have performed in several cities in nearby countries. This is great. Can the fanbase expand a lot? What do you expect from this tour?

Actually, we already go to many places as acquaintances, but the goal now is to expand the camp!

The album was also published as a supplement to Hammer, you are also available on a streaming platform and, as I have said many times, you have done quite a lot of concerts. Can there be a bigger breakthrough now compared to the past? How much does this concern you?

The greater interest at home and abroad can already be felt, but this still requires a lot of work. In any case, we are confident that we can get what we can out of it!
By the way, the international release will be on September 22, when it will also be available on digital platforms! The official single will be available here on September 8!

How much do you like the current band promotion opportunities compared to the 90s? How easily you were able to adapt to these changes at that time, I am thinking primarily of social media!

However, it is now much easier to reach people, but there was not so much dumping in the past! Now I think it is easier to expand as an already active band, but as a new one it is more difficult due to the oversupply!

Did you enjoy chatting with fans on Messenger? Can they write to you?

Of course, absolutely, and many people do!

As a farewell, talk a little about my favorite song “Faceless Nothing” from the new album?

We wrote the music together, the basic theme comes from Krisz, but like everything before, we put it together together. The lyrics were written by the vocalist Roland, it’s about the inner battle and the emotions flowing into us!
At the end, I would like to thank you for your support, for sharing the things that happened to us with the metal faces!!!





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