
ATARAXIA pays homage to Mexico and Latin America


Italian neoclassical and darkwave veterans Ataraxia have released a new song and music video entitled “Viriditas”. The track will be a part of the 29th studio album “Centaurea” which will be released on 22 May 2024 via The Circle Music. The album will contain eight original compositions and two previously unreleased bonus tracks (CD version only).

Watch “Viriditas” here

Ataraxia explains the meaning behind the new song: ““Viriditas” is a Latin word much loved by Hildegard Von Bingen. The semantic root of the term refers to ‘viridis’ – ‘green’ from which ‘vis’ – ‘strenght’ derives, then ‘vir’ – ‘man’, ‘virgo’ – ‘maiden’, ‘ver’ – ‘springtime’, ‘virtus’ –‘ value’, ‘vita’ – ‘vital principle’. They are all words referring to an energetic principle that is inherent in nature and is transmitted to humanity. The symbolism also refers to spiritual vigour as a green mantle wet with fruitful rain. 

“The video is a tribute to México and Latin American friends and listeners that, along our musical journey, hosted us with warmth, affection and enthusiasm. The video is also dedicated to the mastery of Vittorio Vandelli who, every time he picks up his classical guitar, channels and brings us sublime melodies.”

Listen to “Viriditas” via digital platforms here

“Centaurea” is part of a trilogy which began with the previous album “Pomegranate”, a hymn to the elemental spirits, and which will end with a work inspired by the Elysian Fields passing through the Golden Age brought to light by “Centaurea”.

The lyrics of the songs, sung in several ancient and modern languages, are precious poems by Francesca Nicoli and Mara Paltrinieri who had already collaborated on the lyrics of the band’s first albums. 

Once again Totem Bara will contribute to Ataraxia’s sound with his cello on three songs. 

Each album format will have a different layout done by Nicolas Ramain. They each have their own imaginative history, therefore, the vinyl artbook contained in the limited box and the CD graphics are unique, original and not the same. Insetti Xilografi designed the Sacred Oak represented on the box and on the hoodie and Mary Vareli created the hieratic priestess present on the T-shirt.

The album will be preceded by four singles with four related videos portraying places and rituals of “Centaurea”. The entire work is a kaleidoscope of varied beauty in which the arts blend and accompany us. 

Previously, Ataraxia released music videos for “The Source” and “Galen”. 



Ataraxia online:

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