Crossover thrash featuring current/former members of Unto Others, Drouth, etc.
Oregon thrash/punk act STRESS TEST—featuring current and former members of Unto Others, Drouth and others —is proud to announce its debut singles “Bastard Behavior” and “Eternal Bliss,” taken from its upcoming debut self-titled EP.
“This is a record I’ve been wanting to make for years but, until recently, never felt I had enough energy to actually put together,” said frontman Brandon Hill. “Late last year I finally felt motivated enough, or maybe disgusted with the world enough, to finally turn the ideas into something.”
Inspired by the chaos, violence, corruption and extremism rampant throughout society, guitarist/vocalist Brandon Hill (Unto Others) turned to writing as a way to express the hopelessness and anger felt towards mankind’s failures during the pandemic. STRESS TEST is a documentation of those mental struggles and a way to confront the darker aspects of humanity exacerbated by isolation and the constant barrage of negative news.
Recorded and mixed by Gabe Johnston (Unto Others, Hoaxed) and mastered by Brad Boatright (Integrity, Obituary), the two singles are taken from the upcoming EP, which will be revealed in due time. For now, this serves as an introduction.
FFO: Aus-Rotten, Cro-Mags, Dystopia, Napalm Death, Power Trip
STRESS TEST at the time of recording:
Brandon Hill – guitars, bass, vocals
Colin Vranizan – drums
Brandon Hill – guitars, vocals
Adam Jennings – guitars
Dylan Morris – bass
Colin Vranizan – drums
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“If you like Power Trip and Glacial Tomb, Stress Test are a band you need to hear expeditiously.” — Decibel Magazine