
Abysmal Oceans Interview

Abysmal Oceans

The world of black metal is enormous and constantly evolving. From the European perspective, Abysmal Oceans presents the chaos of the ocean from a very remote and exotic place: the Maldives! What was the background to the formation of the band? How long had you been planning it? When was the day you showed your strength to the world?

We have known each other for a very long time. In 2023, we decided to join forces and start working on Ravenous Abyss. It took us roughly a year to complete the project due to the numerous tasks such as pre-branding and production decisions including the primary sound of the band, the concept, utilization of resources etc. we put an immense effort to bring out records that will stand the wrath of time.

How distant do you think your local people are, because of the music you play? How strong is the religion over there? Have you ever had any problems because of that?

We receive a great deal of local support in the Maldives, which is one of the main reasons we do what we do. In response to the religious query, we understand that metal is often associated with rebellion, but we don’t see it as necessarily anti-religious. Our concept is primarily based on a twist of Maldivian folklore and the history that follows.

Do you prefer the European black metal? Within that, is it true that the black metal from the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden…) helped you out the most?

It’s known the roots of black metal spawn from the Nordic region, and this is where our influence is primarily derived from. We grew up listening to the titans of black metal, including Mayhem, Emperor, Immortal, Marduk, Dark Funeral, etc.

Not too long ago you released a great single of 4 tracks entitled “Ravenous Abyss”, with quality chaos and adequate appeal in it. I also think that the mixing and mastering efforts of George Nerantzis (Abbath, Dark Funeral) added a lot to this great piece of art. How long did you work on it and what was your ultimate goal? What were you aiming for, while writing the songs?

George Nerantzis is a specialist in the field of mixing and mastering, consistently producing exceptional work of the highest caliber. He’s delivered a masterpiece on Ravenous Abyss.
It took us almost a year to complete the EP. We take fulfilment in bringing a timeless sound that will leave a legacy. This is our main motivation. You can expect to find exceptional and unique concepts in our future releases as well.

The track entitled “Ascension” features Fufu from Nothnegal as a guest musician on lead guitar. What was your purpose with requesting him for a collaboration? How close friends are you? What did Fufu say about the end result?

Fufu has always been and will always be our comrade in metal. He is undeniably a legendary figure in the Maldivian metal scene, and this is a tribute to the legacy that Fufu has established in the scene. Regarding the outcome, Abysmal Oceans never take shortcuts, and we all including Fufu enjoyed the final product.

Ravenous Abyss Album Cover

I think the cover art of the album is a very fitting and remarkable piece of work. It absolutely reflects your music! What would you say about it? Did you immediately consider this version as best, while designing it?

The current design for the EP album art is not the initial version we created. In our efforts to align with modern technology and aesthetics, we have incorporated elements of artificial intelligence into the album art. The decision to do so was not a shortcut, but a purposeful choice made collectively by our team.

You’ve been inspired by places isolated from human habitation and walked on uninhabited islands. Did you get closer to the dark forces there? What were your experiences – what did you feel, while you were there?

The Maldives is a collection of islands that comprise a nation, featuring numerous desolate corners untouched by humankind. Our aim was to align with the forces of nature to capture the authentic essence of True Maldivian Black Metal. And what better force is there to be aligned than the dark ambience of the tropics.

How much courage did it take? 🙂 How much could a place like this switch you off? Do you think we can call animals as lords of the area in such places? Is it possible to feel their power in the music 🙂 ?

The Maldives is truly a unique force of nature. The underwater world is a whole different universe, home to many known and unknown creatures. We do not view them as lords of any kind, but you can consider us the lords of True Maldivian Black Metal! 😎

If we place the first letters of the song titles next to each other, they will spell out the word “DAWN”. What is the relationship of the word with these 4 songs? What do we need to know about it? Is it possible that you use this method on other releases? 🙂

Each of our releases will feature mysteries, including our recent release of the lyrics video for Dominion now available on our YouTube channel. If you know, you know. About DAWN, it signifies the dawn of Abysmal Oceans and the emergence of Abysma, the oceanic entity wreaking havoc on the surface world.

How many black metal bands are there in the Maldives? Which style is the most popular there these days? Can we expect to hear about more and more bands from this place? Who would you recommend to us?

It’s currently in the infant stages and we expect to find more bands with proper releases in the future. However, the current landscape predominantly features mainstream genres. Significant active mainstream bands that meet our criteria would include Fasylive, Nothnegal, and Traphic Jam.

At the beginning of the interview, I already mentioned that you probably have a lot of things that may seem strange or different from the European point of view. What can you tell us about your everyday life? What does your life look like at the moment?

Here in the Maldives, each day presents itself as a new chapter, with new adventures waiting to be written. You have to visit the sunny side and experience the lifestyle to understand it.

As far as I know, the next material is already on its way, and the realization of the first album is not too far away. How similar will the sequel be, and what kind of changes can we expect?

The upcoming single “Invoking the Flesh and Blood” takes us to the genesis of Abysma, locked and loaded to be launched later this year. However, upon further discussion, we have decided to include a mystery release that will come out (with the single) shortly afterwards. If everything goes according to plan, this unexpected release will introduce a concept that is not typically seen in the metal industry. The single will be followed by a full length album currently in the recording stages.

“Ravenous Abyss” is currently available only in digital format. If you get the chance, will you release it in physical format, too? Which label would be the ideal for you? What are your expectations? Who can contact you?

We chose not to pursue a physical release as there is limited demand for them. However, we consider the distribution of physical tokens and relics that embody the desolate areas of the Maldives (to a selected few). This is currently in the initial planning stages. Anyone can contact us by dropping an email at

Do you think a European festival or concert opportunity would help you the most? What do you want to achieve? How much do you insist on popularity?

Our primary focus is to leave a legacy that will endure through time. We put a significant part of ourselves into these releases. We have composed and discarded countless songs that failed to meet our standards. In the event of a good opportunity, we are open to festivals.

Thank you for the opportunity! I look forward with great excitement to the continuation of your work! May the power of the ocean be with you!

It’s a great pleasure! We hope to see you in the Maldives and witness the signs of the ocean.





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