VRAG is a one man black metal project formed in 2010 in Hungary.
Until now discography includes few demos and splits as well as three full albums.
Today, an Artist is releasing brand new studio album titled “Rendületlenül“. Title song as well as full album shows respect for the 90’s black metal, following the footsteps of bands, such as Mayhem, Satyricon or Gorgoroth.
Music for this album was recorded, mixed and mastered by Vrag in own Forest Studio between 2022 and 2024. Cover artwork was done by Hungarian artist Grafit & Hamu Artworks. Logo by Moonroot Art (Automb, Mallephyr, Nokturnal Mortum).
The album, entitled “Rendületlenül“, is releases today – November 18, 2024 on CD (order) by Filosofem Records and available for listening on popular streaming platforms:
- Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/12PRlSFJ5OAEm6Ab6QeODZ
- iTunes https://music.apple.com/us/artist/vrag/208963867
- Deezer https://www.deezer.com/pl/album/663700681
- Bandcamp https://vraghungary.bandcamp.com/album/rend-letlen-l
- Amazon https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0DLHVPP5G
- Qobuz https://www.qobuz.com/us-en/album/renduletlenul-vrag/i928ogh4d18yc
1. Rendületlenül
2. Egyedül a világ ellen
3. Árny vagyok
4. Él a múlt
5. Ahol az érték megsemmisül
6. Önmegtagadás