
Track premiere: HESPERIA – “Mons Daemoniacus: Nero Paese De La Scomunica”, pre-order now!

Hesperia presents “Mons Daemoniacus: Nero Paese De La Scomunica” Track 6 from the upcoming album “Fra li Monti Sibillini (Black Medieval Winter over the Sibylline Mounts)“, out 17 january on CD, 2-LP and digital!

This track talks about Mons Daemoniacus, that was the ancient name of the village Montemonaco by Mount Sibylla (Sibylline Mounts). Knights, alchemists, necromancers from everywhere used to come here during the Middle Ages to search for the cave of Sibylla and other secrets. The inhabitants of Montemonaco hosted them and absorbed some of their knowledge, and got excommunicated by the Inquisition; but in the end, for some mysterious reason, they were absolved.

*About the real events and documents: the lyrics contain an adaptation of selected excerpts from an authentic 1452 parchment that records the accusation of excommunication against the entire community of Montemonaco (The language is Medieval Latin).

The entire album is a Medieval journey through the Sibylline Mounts (Monti Sibillini), mountains located in the center-east of Italy (region of Marche, Hesperus’ native land), full of obscure legends and really dark history, a sort of Carpathian Mounts in Italy: heretics, witches, alchemists, necromants, goat fairies, obscure villages/mountains/gorges, the inquisition and…the sorceress Sibylla. In this places, truth and myth are woven together.

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