Felgrave‘s music is quite unique and we’ve only just released the shortest song which is still 12 mins long. The other two songs are over 18 mins each! It’s tricky to describe the music but I can say that it’s a very interesting blend of styles and the way the band goes about it all is both refreshing and engaging. You can listen to the aforementioned track on our channel HERE.

After dropping a well-received death/doom album five years back, Felgrave has crafted an ingenious album melding influences of doom, black and death metal in a way rarely done before. The one-man band has broken the mould and the music on this album flows in an intuitive, undulating, almost whimsical manner, touching upon several styles and effortlessly shape shifting through them all. The songs are between 12 to 18 minutes long and each one seems to tell a tale of its own. There is so much going on in each song that it demands repeated listens which isn’t necessarily arduous because of the smooth transitions and the overall coherency. The sound is strangely all encompassing – there are acoustic passages with clean vocals as well as intense and complex parts that wouldn’t be out of place on a technical death metal album. It’s stuff like this which makes this album fascinating, and what makes it come alive is the passion with which it is meticulously crafted – it seeps through the music and elevates it beyond the ostensible stringing together of disparate parts. ‘Otherlike Darknesses’ is multi-faceted and yet has a fairly cohesive sound with exceptional song writing; albums like these definitely don’t come out too often.
Lineup: Vocals, guitar, bass, keyboards and programming by M. L. Jupe Drums by Robin Stone (Evilyn, Norse) Mixed by M. L. Jupe |
Mastered by Brendan Sloan (Convulsing)
Artwork by Adam Burke (Artificial Brain, Plasmodium)
1. Winds Batter My Keep
2. Pale Flowers Under an Empty Sky
3. Otherlike Darknesses
Release date – April 25th, 2025