Umbra Vitae, which features Jacob Bannon (Converge), Sean Martin (Twitching Tongues, ex-Hatebreed), Mike McKenzie (The Red Chord), Jon Rice (Uncle Acid, Tsjuder) and Greg Weeks (The...
“‘Light Of Death’ is probably beaming through from somewhere south of heaven” – Revolver Umbra Vitae, the powerhouse which features Jacob Bannon (Converge), Sean Martin...
Umbra Vitae was formed by Jacob Bannon, Mike McKenzie and Sean Martin— who all have roots in aggressive music— as they warmed up for Wear Your Wounds rehearsals...
Recorded and mixed by Kurt Ballou at God City Studios (with guitars and bass recorded by McKenzie at The Black Coast), Shadow of Life is Umbra Vitae’s ten...
Umbra Vitae formed as Bannon, McKenzie and Martin— who all have roots in aggressive music— warmed up for Wear Your Wounds rehearsals by playing heavy riffs. Following the...
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