Winter Nights is a four-piece melodic death metal band emanating from Brooklyn, New York in the Winter of 2007. The sound and lyrical themes of their...
Winter Nights is a four-piece melodic death metal band emanating from Brooklyn, New York in the Winter of 2007. The sound and lyrical themes of their...
Winter Nights is a four-piece melodic death metal band emanating from Brooklyn, New York in the Winter of 2007. The sound and lyrical themes of their...
New Self-Titled Album Out Now! NYC death metal Winter Nights are unveiling their new lyric video “Withdrawals” in support of their self-titled album released this past July. Heavy, somber,...
NYC death metal Winter Nights are unveiling their new music video “Starved For Energy” in support of their self-titled album released this past July. Heavy, somber, and progressive, the band...
Set to unleash their self-titled album on July 31st, NYC death metal Winter Nights is streaming the release in full via its premiere on MetalInsider HERE. The self-titled album...
Winter Nights’ new track “Unmarked Grave” comes after the first single “When December Burns” and it is equally as cold and unrelenting as the first. The album was recorded between...